Saturday, December 03, 2005

tea and sympathy for the devil.

bernard fanning:

nice guy.

not so sure about the music, though:

"my dagginess*/ slowly creeping back"

and his latest offering, a solo album called "tea and sympathy"?

...mmm...Ho hum...

it' s so often the case, though, isnt it?

the nice guys are the crap artists.

how often is it that you hear about how such and such and so 'n' so ( who' s music you loved, or writing you admired, or acting you were in awe of, or what ever) was, or is, an asshole.

john lennon for example. Cynthia lennon details in "John" how he famously espoused the ideals of peace and love but was unable to love his family and was a terrible father and husband. A genius nonetheless.

maybe im being a bit harsh on old bernie. He's not crap. he's just a bit mediocre. thats ok. Australians love mediocrity. We hold it in the highest regard.

take, for example, rove mcmanus. hes not that funny. hes not that clever. hes charming in a completely inoffensive way and his show is kinda safe and unimaginative.

but ya mum loves him, cause he' s nice, cause he nice and he' s normal and he' s, well, average;

cause he mowed ya lawn, cause he cleaned out ya drains...and all for a modest fee...

cause he' s that boy from next door who was just... there. he' s still just... there. only now hes just... there on our tv screens... every tuesday... but who' s watching?

good question.

there are countless other examples of bad guys who are, or where, great artists;

jerry lewis (asshole)... loved by the french.

francis Bacon (asshole)... also loved by the french.

Patrick white (incurable asshole)

abbot and costello (assholes)

our russ (complete asshole) and completely lacking in the kind of light, self effacing, charm required to pull off the phone gag he attempted at the AFI awards the other night.

moreover, If the phone incident in new york was a one off we would have laughed and forgiven him his faux pas.

however, he has long been a bully and has a mammoth and esteemed record of pulling petty , violent stunts. he' s also started a lot of fights which he, curiously, never seems to win.

great artist though.

oh, hang on,

30 odd foot of grunt

fuck. there goes my theory.

* for all those unaustralian this is a bastardisation of a "Powderfinger"
(Bernard' s day band) lyric which goes: "My happiness/ slowly creeping back".


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