Friday, November 25, 2005

blue tac

i had a dream about blue tac.

in the dream blue tac was represented as grotesque. it is grotesque, at least in my experience.

when i was a teenager and i was really into putting posters on my wall i used to covet blue tac. i never bought it. i would steal it... from everywhere; from the posters on the walls at school, from the posters on the street, in record stores, from friends houses, community centres, notice boards... everywhere. i never took all of the blue tac. id always be careful just to take a bit from all four corners, so the poster would still be stuck to the wall, just with less adhesive power. I could justify this theft because people were always overly generous with their use of the stuff. there would always be far more tac than was necessary. Imagine my joy when someone stuck a poster of above average size to a wall in a low wind , underpopulated part of town, school corridor or university campus with massive balls of tac lining evey edge? "Eureka!" i would exclaim in my half broken adolescent tones.

from the little bits that i would take from everywhere i would form a conglomerate of blue tac.

invariably the combinations would always be grotesque in some way. this was because the blue tac would always be of varying age, quality, and cleanliness (being an adhesive blue tac would always attract dirt and grime and this would affect its colour and effectiveness). Moreover, there were also the poor imitations of blue tac, namely, yellow tac. I dont think it was called yellow tac but it was yellow and had a similar consistency. its quality was poorer though and, generally, it had less longevity. Needless to say this yellow stuff would find its way into these little "nations of adhesive" of mine. They were like multicultural nation states from which i would draw on to create my interior design. but i digress.

the point is my dream served to remind me of a time in my life when things were not only more grotesque but simpler. the acquisition of blue tac was the most important thing in my life because it served to define my space, my room, where i was most me, where i could have been anybody and where my heroes lined my wall and saw over my progress. they inspired me and they reassured me.

sometimes i wish that life was still that simple and grotesque..


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