Thursday, November 30, 2006

teenage man

i have neglected to tell you that for the past two months i have been living in a garage again. well not so much a garage as a the guy from the O.C. which i haven't seen, but apparently its like the guy in the O.C. this cabana/ gadge has a shower and a sink and a stove top. theres a pool next to it and its definitely a step up from my last gadge*.

this constant gadge dwelling has prompted my friend Nick to label me "teenage Man".
fair enough. in my gadge there is a bass guitar, and a strokes poster, and above my bed a picture of the veronicas (hot). we have created a teenage man mythology.

Teenage man is a sort of super hero. he has superior teenage skills. for example, he is an excellent texter. he knows how to operate an ipod faster than any other teenager has ever seen. he can sleep in for longer than any other teenager he knows. he skateboards better than any other teenager. he rides his bike better. he watches more cheech and chong and bruce lee films and owns more wu tang and general rap paraphernalia than any teenager known to man. he smokes bongs better and so on and so forth... he is the idol of his teenage peers...

until they discover that he is nearly thiry.

* refer to archives April/ may

Monday, November 27, 2006


the tight jawed subterfuge

of the man with the nose whose ends looks like it has been removed

reminds of the expedition and adventure so lacking in my life of domicile longing.

within, without

above below

bellow bellow

shout shout

see you soon

andrew g has a blog

Andrew g has a blog and he talks about how Australian idol should be fought out beyond thunder dome style

hes a fag

and a douche bag

i want to beat him to death with a blunt instrument

this is because andrew g having a blog is purely an attempt on his behalf (or perhaps channel tens or channel v's) to make him seem "like everybody else".

of course he refers to his house on the water in his blog. he doesn't say where and his references (to being f**king loaded) are more clandestine, probably at the behest of someone higher up, but we all know that he is loaded. we all know that he is a dick ta boot, too, regardless of weather he heard "bel div devoe" floating in from someone else's house across the bay!!- by which he is saying that he lives in a house with water views and his neighbors are rich- who else would play bel biv devoe but the absurdly rich?

so... he is a dick, rich or otherwise, he is a dick. a dick cunt dick cunt dick

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

spare me from your privileged guilt, love

please don't send me any more of your stupid group emails about stopping the war or making poverty history.

of course i want to make poverty history.

of course i recognize that war is a bad thing.

you want to know how to really make a difference to poverty in the world? go to somewhere in the developing world and build a well...

don't align yourself to fashionable causes because it makes you feel better about your complete inaction, your western, privileged malady of utter utter selfishness, that little voice in your head that has been there since your mum told you to eat all the food on your dinner plate because there are starving children in africa.

actually go there and try to make a real difference.

or send them money.

shut up and send them money.

otherwise don't try to make yourself feel better about yourself- because those starving people in the developing world and those people whose houses have been bombed to pieces because of the capitalist machine and the greed which you perpetuate sure as shit don't care about you and your bleeding heart.

they want a house to live in and clean water to drink.

they gain nothing from being a fleeting blip on your psychodrama radar, and you may well say that every bit of awareness makes a difference, to which i reply: rubbish, these petty indulgences only serve to promote and perpetuate complacency by simply assuaging privileged guilt, in both the short and the long term.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


back by the sea

the sumo was there

and some guy called dave...

his girl and another girl with a majestic...

quite quite sublime...

the finest of the fine...

an ass you could really sink your teeth into

an assebration!!

with rainbow bikini bottoms

welcome back summer

bondi bondi bondi

ill always have a place in my heart...

same thing place last year

still drinking

the sun

well and truly

past the yardarm.

still sick because of you.

the simple pleasures

beaten by the


scoundrels and true batchelors (draft)

we start with a song, something like full disclosure or strange light from fugazis the argument.

through strobe lights we can vaguely see someone performing fellatio on someone else. flashes of skulls, devil symbols, the sound of rain and thunder, more doom music, the usual mallarky, someone getting fucked up against a wall... etc... etc...

everyone in this play is disfigured in some way. it imagines the dating game in a post apocalyptic landscape. people are dying slowly. they are homeless, vagabonds and ,predominantly, single.

looking for love in all the wrong places? no fine girls just ugly faces? get used to it.

it imagines a world where everything is lost. what remains is the simple blood lust or sexual drive, and the desire for some semblance of society and structure. so these kids set up a dating game, not necessarily an agency but a regular dating cycle.

we see them in various scenarios, but it must never be let on that the world has come to an end.

this is rustic theater at its best. it could be construed as either an imagined future or an almost forgotten past.

a dating agency at the end of the world as we know it?

Monday, November 20, 2006

the wrecks of blogs

blogs lie


like wrecks in the pacific

of a long forgotten war.

i visited today

i visited today

burra rough


we danced

like we used to